Banière AAPPMA




Deutsch Dutch






Atelier Pêche Nature





Belles Prises



If you have any question, feel free to send a mail (in english) here

Regulation of Fishing in the first category.

(Extract according to the annual review 2013)

• Opening: Saturday, March 9 at 6:27 min (2nd Saturday in March)

The number of salmon is 6 per day per fisherman.

The size of brown trout and rainbow is 20 cm in the valley and all its tributaries.

The size of salmon trout is 23 cm.

• Grayling: Opening May 18 from 5:22 min min at 21:40, set at 30 cm size.

Number of lines allowed on the Public Domain:

2 lines for members of the AAPPMA on fishing lots it holds as well as those on the lake plain.
1 line or throw the rest of the Public Domain.

Behind the gates in working order : a single line or throwing

1 line at Lake Pierre Percée. To fish for several lines or the edge of a boat, join the URNE is required.

On Private Property : 1 line (details of Private Property in the description of lots)

NB: These lines should be provided with 2 hooks than artificial flies or 3,

they should be positioned close to the fisherman.

Baits are banned : maggots, bloodworms, the fises and all other larvae of Diptera (fly larvae in 2 parts),
all fish eggs.

Fishing walking in water is prohibited from 10March to 18 May inclusive.
Any person to fish must adhere to a AAPPMA and must have paid a CAP (Fee Fishing Aquatic Environment).

The party placed on reserve "La Plaine" : see map


Closing the first category (except Lake Celles) Sunday, September 15 at 8:16 p.m. Closed .

Opening hours:

The pond will be open Nièrupt free to members of the AAPPMA "The Valley of Celles sur Plaine"

and "The Understanding of the Three Valleys Vosgiennes Fisheries"

                 from Sunday morning until June 2to Sunday, September 15 evening.

The pond will be open free of Para to members of the AAPPMA "The Valley of Celles sur Plaine"

and "The Understanding of the Three Valleys Fisheries Vosges' of
                   Sunday, March 9 in the morning until the evening of Sunday, September 15.

For both ponds, open season, you can keep and carry a single carpper day per fisherman.

It is understood that these opening times, times must be strictly complied
with legal

and internal regulations and requirements to have the right to fish.

All information is displayed to the ponds.

The guards sworn to the association may at any time ask for your card and check your fishing fishing mode.


Pour toute question ou suggestion, merci de contacter le webmaster ou un membre du bureau
Site de l'A.A.P.P.M.A. de la Vallée de Celles-Sur-Plaine
Dernière mise à jour : 5 Novembre, 2013 13:59